Monday, August 17, 2009


  • Macroeconomic indicators characterize the level of economic development and indicate either economic growth or a decline. They are also used for price tendency forecasting purposes.
    The main macroeconomic indicators are:
    Consumer Credit
    The volume of all types of public credit. The volume of consumer credit varies seasonally and achieves significant growth over major holidays (New Year's Day, Christmas). The increase has a positive impact on the country's economy andleads to an increase in the national currency rate. Consumer credit data is published on the 7th day of every month at 20:00 GMT in the United States and at the end of each month at 9:30 in the UK.
    Consumer Price Index (CPI)
    Indicator showing the change of value of the consumer basket of goods and services. The index was first calculated in the US. It is calculated using average items chosen by residents. The index has a greater impact on the calculation of the cost of living of citizens and is also an inflation indicator. According to the index rising interest rates begin to rise. Core CPI is the Consumer Price Index excluding food and energy. It serves as an addition to the Consumer Price Index. Core CPI and CPI are issued in the middle of each month at 13:30 GMT.
    Current Account Balance
    The ratio of payments from foreign countries and payments abroad. If the incoming funds exceed the outgoing, the balance is active (surplus), otherwise it is passive (shortfall). An active balance has a positive effect on the growth rate of the national currency. In the United States the data is published quarterly in the middle of the month at 15:00 GMT, in Japan - in the middle of each month at 23:50 GMT; in the Euro zone after the 20th day of each month at 9:00 GMT.
    The value of export goods and services for a specific period of time. Monthly changes of this indicator are generally tracked in percentages and compared with the similar import data. Export data is issued during the third week of each month on Thursdays at 13:30 GMT.
    Gold and Foreign Currency Reserves
    Country gold and currency reserves held by the Central Bank or Financial bodies. Large reserves of foreign currency and gold represent the level of security and the benefits of investing in the economy of the country.
    Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
    The total cost of all goods and services produced by residents and non-residents in the country. The first estimates of GDP were made in the USA. Being an indicator of changes in the cost of goods and services within the country for a certain period, the GDP reflects the growth rate of the economy.The GDP is calculated as the sum of consumption volumes, investments, government spending and exports with imports subtracted. GDP growth characterizes the state of the economy, and the growth in comparison with other countries indicates the benefit of capital investment in the economy of this country. The data is published quarterly in the following order: advance-provisional (revised) - final.
    The cost of the volume of imported goods and services for a specific period oftime. Monthly changes in the indicator are generally tracked in percentage and are compared with similar export data. Data on imports is issued during the third week of each month on Thursdays at 13:30 GMT.
    Industrial Production
    Industrial output of the country and its changes. It is composed of mining and manufacturing industry volumes, the forest and public sectors as well as the production of electricity are also taken into consideration. The indicator reflects the level of the economy, but does not determine the direction of its development. An increase in value of this indicator leads to the growth of the national currency rate. In the UK and Germany, the data appears in the second decade of each month at 9:30 and 11:00 GMT; in the United States - in mid-month at 14:15; in the Euro zone on the 20th day of each month, at 11:00; in Japan - at the end of the month.
    Producer Price Index (PPI)
    The indicator of the average level of price change for raw materials andfinished products, the cost of which also includes the cost of labor. A more accurate figure is obtained by exclusion of food and energy industries (PPIexcluding food and energy). The index does not take into account the price of imported goods and services. The growth of this indicator leads to the growth of cost inflation: the cost of production increases, while the prices do notchange, which leads to an imbalance in production. Monthly figures issued one week after "Nonfarm payrolls" at 13:30 GMT.
    Changes in retail sales volume, which are determined by consumer demand. In index values the sales of all kinds of goods are taken into account. The most volatile estimate is the sales of automobiles, therefore the most reliable data is calculated without this aspect. The increase in retail sales has an impacton the growth of the national currency rate and on the country's economy as a whole. This data is published in the middle of the month at 13:30 GMT.
    Trade Balance
    The ratio of imported and exported goods. The balance is active if the export goods costs exceed the import goods' costs (surplus), otherwise the balance is passive (shortfall). An active balance has a positive effect on the growth rate of the national currency. In the United States, the data is issued in the middle of the month at 13:30 GMT; in Japan - in mid-month at 23:50 GMT; in the Euro zone in the last decade of each month at 11:00 GMT; in Germany - in the first decade of each month at 7:00 GMT; in the UK - in the first decade of each month at 9:30 GMT.
    Unemployment Rate
    The average number of unemployed citizens over 18 years of age relative to the total labor force. Only persons who are registered as unemployed are taken into account. This indicator first appeared in the 1930s in the United States during the Great Depression. A low unemployment rate indicates a large number of citizens employed in the production of goods and services. An increase in unemployment results in lower GDP: employment in the production of goods is lower, hence, production declines. In the United States this data is published along with the"Nonfarm payrolls" at 13:30 GMT. In the Euro zone the data is available in the first decade of each month at 11:00 GMT, and in Japan - in the last decade of each month at 23:50 GMT


World Currencies
Currency history
EUR / Euro
World currency codes
Concept of currency:
country's monetary unit and its type (golden, silver, paper);
foreign countries banknotes as well as credit and payment instruments expressed in foreign monetary units (bills of exchange, cheques etc.) and used in international payments.
Currency types:
fully convertible currency has no restrictions on any financial transactions for both residents as well as non-residents and may be exchanged for any foreign currency (the US dollar, Canadian dollar, Swiss franc, etc.);
partially convertible currency has restrictions on certain foreign exchange transactionsas well as restrictions for non-residents. Partially convertible currencies are those of the majority of Western European countries (Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Austria). After abolishing in December 1958 foreign exchange restrictions for non-residents, it became possible for them to convert any amount of money in bank accounts into US dollars or other currencies;
inconvertible (weak) currency has restrictions on currency transactions for residents as well as for non-residents. This group consists of currencies of dependent and developing countries, which are pegged to the parent states? currencies. Weak currencies rates are set at levels profitable for foreign monopolies.
The main Forex currencies, which make up the main volume of all transactions:
USD US dollar also known as greenback, buck and dolly.
EUR Euro, common European currency (in use everywhere in the European area).
GBP Pound sterling or the pound (Great Britain pounds), sterling, cable.
CHF Swiss franc or swissy.
JPY Japanese yen.
Before the Euro was introduced, the German Mark (DEM) had a significant market share.
Other currencies:
CAD Canadian dollar.
AUD Australian dollar, or aussie.
NZD New Zealand dollar, or kiwi.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Los gehts....Forex..Germany , (Deutschland)

Ohne Verpflichtungen oder Kosten können Sie ein virtuelles Handelskonto eröffnen. Das Konto verfügt über dieselben Fähigkeiten, wie ein echtes Konto, einschließlich Live-Marktkurse, Zugang zu Echtzeitmarktanalysen und der Fähigkeit, Streaming-Trades auszuführen. Mit dem virtuellen Konto (oder Demo-Konto) können Sie die Devisenmärkte kennenlernen und Ihre Trading-Fertigkeiten ohne Risiko testen.
Trading mit dem Demokonto
Nehmen Sie sich Zeit, um einen Plan zu machen und eine Strategie zu entwickeln.
Wählen Sie das richtige Währungspaar. Finden Sie anhand Ihrer Risikoparameter heraus, welche Währung am Besten zu Ihrem Tradingstil passt. Einige schwanken vielleicht zu stark, andere zu wenig, entscheiden Sie also, welche Währung zu Ihrer Strategie und Ihrem Zeitrahmen passt.
Legen Sie fest, wie lange Sie im Trade bleiben möchten. Wenn Sie ein Tagesanleger sind, wie lange halten Sie einen Trade durchschnittlich offen? Ein paar Minuten, einige Stunden, einen vollen Tag lang, oder bevorzugen Sie den Swing-Trade (einige Tage bis zu einer Woche).
Bevor Sie in einen Trade einsteigen, sollten Sie einen klaren Ausstiegsplan haben. Setzen Sie Ihre Grenzen.
Seien Sie sich darüber im Klaren, wie viel Sie riskieren wollen und wie viel Sie gewinnen möchten.
Beobachten Sie wichtige Nachrichten und technische Features, die Sie in Ihrem Zeitrahmen testen können

Rollover .....Forex..Germany , (Deutschland))

Auf dem Spot-Devisenmarkt müssen Transaktionen innerhalb von zwei Geschäftstagen abgewickelt werden. Wenn ein Trader an einem Dienstag 100.000 Euro verkauft, muss er diesen Betrag am darauffolgenden Donnerstag einbringen, es sei denn, es hat ein Rollover stattgefunden. Als Service für die Kunden führt FOREXYARD um 17:00 Uhr New Yorker Zeit einen automatischen Rollover aller offenen Positionen bis zum nächsten Settlement aus. Die ausgetauschten Positionen sind vom Wert her in der Regel nicht identisch. Der Differenzbetrag variiert je nach Währungspaar und Zinshöhenunterschied der beiden Währungen und schwankt täglich in Übereinstimmung mit den Preisbewegungen.
Für Positionen, die um 17:00 Uhr EST offen sind, gibt es einen täglichen Rollover (Zinszahlung). Je nach Ihrem Margen-Level und Marktposition zahlen Sie für jede offene Position. Falls Sie keine Zinsen für offene Positionen zahlen oder erhalten möchten, achten Sie einfach darauf, dass sie bis 17:00 Uhr EST, dem festgelegten Marktschluss, geschlossen sind.

Marge/Leverage.....Forex..Germany , (Deutschland)

Devisenkonten sind durch Einschuss gedeckt: ein Anleger kann eine Marktposition halten, deren Wert seinen Kontostand bei Weitem übersteigt. Die von FOREXYARD angebotene Online Trading Plattform verfügt über Margenverwaltungsmöglichkeiten, die es erlauben, dass die Margenanforderung bei nur 0,5 % liegt. Wir empfehlen jedoch, Leverage höchstens im zehnfachen Wert Ihres Kontostandes zu nutzen. Leverage kann sowohl Gewinne als auch Verluste hoch treiben. Selbst wenn der Markt relativ ruhig ist, können durch Fremdkapitalaufnahme hohe Gewinne oder Verluste entstehen. Wenn ein Trader den maximal möglichen Leverage-Betrag überschreitet (was passieren kann, wenn der Kontostand aufgrund von Handelsverlusten zusammenschrumpft), schließt das Trading System alle offenen Positionen auf dem Konto. Dadurch wird ein negativer Kontostand verhindert, selbst dann, wenn der Markt stark schwankt.
Beispiel, wie Margin funktioniert
Da der Anleger 1 Lot über 10.000 EUR/USD eröffnet hat, beträgt seine Margenanforderung oder Used Margin 50 $. Als Used Margin wird das Geld bezeichnet, das für das Eröffnen neuer Handelspositionen oder den Ausgleich von Verlusten zur Verfügung steht. Wenn das Kapital (der Kontostand) aufgrund von Handelsverlusten unter 20% der Used Margin fällt, werden die Positionen automatisch geschlossen. Auf diese Weise kann ein Anleger niemals mehr verlieren, als er oder sie eingezahlt hat.
Tag P/L
Usd Mr
Usbl Mr
Usbl Mr%
Brutto P/L

Kaufen / Verkaufen.....Forex..Germany , (Deutschland)

Zunächst sollten Anleger bestimmen, ob sie kaufen oder verkaufen wollen. Wenn Sie entscheiden, einen Short Order anzulegen - bei dem Sie profitieren, wenn der Wechselkurs fällt - müssen Sie einfach nur auf den Verkaufskurs klicken. Bei Kaufaufträgen läuft es anders herum: klicken Sie einfach auf den Kaufkurs, und Sie profitieren, wenn der Wechselkurs nach oben geht.
Beispiel, wie Kaufen / Verkaufen funktioniert
Wie auf allen Märkten gibt es auch hier zwei Kurse für jedes Währungspaar. Die Differenz zwischen den beiden Kursen ist der Spread oder der Betrag, den der Trade kostet. In diesem Beispiel beträgt der Spread drei Pips. Aud der 10.000er Position ist ein Pip beim Währungspaar EUR/USD 1 $ wert.

Kurs Währungspaare.....Forex..Germany , (Deutschland)

Währungen werden in Paaren notiert, z.B. EUR/USD oder USD/JPY. Die zuerst genannte Währung ist die Bezugswährung, während die zweite Gegen- und Kurswährung genannt wird. Die Bezugswährung dienst als Basis für den Kauf oder Verkauf. Wenn Sie also einen Kaufauftrag für EUR/USD abgeben, haben Sie Euro gekauft (und Dollar verkauft). Dies würden Sie tun, wenn Sie davon ausgehen, dass der Euro gegenüber dem US-Dollar nach oben gehen wird.
Neuseeländischer Dollar
Britisches Pfund
Australischer Dollar
US Dollar
Kanadischer Dollar
Schweizer Franken
Japanischer Yen
In diesem Beispiel ist der Euro die Bezugswährung und damit die Basis für den Kauf/Verkauf. Wenn Sie glauben, dass die US-Wirtschaft weiter schwächeln wird und das dem US-Dollar schaden wird, würden Sie einen BUY EUR/USD Order ausführen. Indem Sie das tun, kaufen Sie Euros in der Erwartung, dass der Euro gegenüber dem US-Dollar steigen wird. Wenn Sie glauben, dass die US-Wirtschaft stark ist und der Euro gegenüber dem US-Dollar verlieren wird, würden Sie einen SELL EUR/USD Order ausführen. Indem Sie das tun, verkaufen Sie Euros in der Erwartung, dass der Euro gegenüber dem US-Dollar sinken wird.
In diesem Beispiel ist der US-Dollar die Bezugswährung und damit die Basis für den Kauf/Verkauf. Wenn Sie glauben, dass die japanische Regierung den Yen schwächen wird, um die Exporte anzukurbeln, würden Sie einen BUY USD/JPY Order ausführen. Indem Sie das tun, kaufen Sie US-Dollar in der Erwartung, dass der Dollar gegenüber dem japanischen Yen steigen wird. Wenn Sie glauben, dass japanische Investoren Gelder aus den amerikanischen Finanzmärkten abziehen und dass dies dem US-Dollar schaden wird, SELL USD/JPY Order ausführen. Indem Sie das tun, verkaufen Sie US-Dollar in der Erwartung, dass der Dollar gegenüber dem japanischen Yen sinken wird.
In diesem Beispiel ist das britische Pfund die Bezugswährung und damit die Basis für den Kauf/Verkauf. Wenn Sie glauben, dass die britische Wirtschaft die Führende unter den G8-Nationen in Bezug auf Wachstum bleiben wird, würden Sie einen BUY GPD/USD Order ausführen. Indem Sie das tun, kaufen Sie GBP in der Erwartung, dass das Pfund gegenüber dem US-Dollar steigen wird. Wenn Sie glauben, dass die Briten den Euro annehmen werden und dass dies das Pfund schwächen wird, weil die Währung aufgrund der Annahme des Euro entwertet wird, würden Sie einen SELL GBP/USD Order ausführen. Indem Sie das tun, verkaufen Sie GBP in der Erwartung, dass das Pfund gegenüber dem US-Dollar sinken wird.
In diesem Beispiel ist der USD die Bezugswährung und damit die Basis für den Kauf/Verkauf. Wenn Sie glauben, dass der US-Dollar unterbewertet wird, würden Sie einen BUY USD/CHF Order ausführen. Indem Sie das tun, kaufen Sie US-Dollar in der Erwartung, dass der Dollar gegenüber dem Schweizer Franken steigen wird. Wenn Sie glauben, dass aufgrund der instabilen Lage im Nahen Osten und auf den amerikanischen Finanzmärkten der Dollar weiter schwächeln wird, würden Sie einen SELL USD/CHF Order ausführen. Indem Sie das tun, verkaufen Sie US-Dollar in der Erwartung, dass der Dollar gegenüber dem Schweizer Franken sinken wird.

So funktioniert ein FX-Trade.....Forex..Germany , (Deutschland)

Wie funktioniert ein FX-trade. Heir konnen Sie lesen . So funktioniert ein FX-Trade
Auf dem Devisenmarkt können Sie eine Währung gegen eine andere tauschen. Wenn Sie eine Währung kaufen, gehen Sie long" in dieser Währung
Beispiel, wie FX Trade funktioniert
Aktion des Traders
Ein Anleger kauft zu Beginn des Jahres 2001, als der EUR/USD Kurs bei 0,9600 liegt, 10.000 Euro.
Im Mai 2003 wechselt der Anleger seine 10.000 Euro zurück in US-Dollar zu einem Marktkurs von 1,1800.
In diesem Beispiel hat der Anleger einen Bruttogewinn von 2.200 $ gemacht.
Ich hofe das sie haben verstanden wie ein FXTrade funktioniert.

Why dbFX (deutshe bank forex in Germany)

Why dbFX?
You may be thinking why should you opt for deutshe bank. But now after 2009, it is clear that dbFX is clearly a good option. Read what dbFX has to say,
dbFX brings Deutsche Bank's award-winning expertise in foreign exchange to individuals and small institutions. As one of the leading global investment banks, clients have instant access to world class exécution, research and pricing in a single forex trading platform.This, combined with our hedging FX capabilities and state of the art technology, provides you with the tools to gain a competitive edge.Trade with confidence
Funds are held with Deutsche Bank and are protected by the deposit protection fund of German banks of the Association.
Competitive spreads from as low as 2 points of on 34 currency pairs **
Quality execution in all market conditions.
Exclusive access to Deutsche Bank's proprietary FX research and news.
Superior client across various communication channels services, with 24-hour multi-language support.
Trade with ease
Trade directly from real-time forex charts embedded in the trading platform.
Customisable risk management tools.
Hedge trades by simultaneously holding long and short positions in one currency pair.
For multiple positions, select which orders to close rather than first in first out (FIFO).
Trade with flexibility
Margin trading, with up to 100: 1 leverage depending on forex trading experience.
Flexible trade sizes manage positions starting from 10,000 units to accurately.
Customised solutions for self directed traders through to financial institutions.
* Under normal market conditions.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Die Hirschgasse Heidelberg Germany

Visitors looking for a quiet Heidelberg accommodation can find the Die Hirschgasse Heidelberg sitting in a secluded residential area just opposite the bank of the River Neckar. During times of leisure, guests can take a walk around the picturesque town, along the banks of the River Neckar, across the bridge to the famous castle that overlooks the old town.

An airport shuttle service is provided by the Die Hirschgasse Heidelberg.

All of the guestrooms in the Die Hirschgasse Heidelberg are gracefully decorated and equipped with a variety of modern conveniences. Each of the suites is bright and cheerfully decorated in floral fabrics, artworks, and a mix of antiques and swords used by students in swashbuckling duels over the centuries.

This charming 15th century inn boasts a cottage-like appearance and has a fascinating history of student sword dueling. Delicious meals and refreshing drinks can be enjoyed throughout the day in the Die Hirschgasse Heidelberg’s on-site restaurant, and the lounge provides the ideal place to meet up with friends or to socialize with other guests.
Airport shuttleBabysitting / Child ServicesBanquet FacilitiesBar / LoungeBusiness CenterCable / Satellite TVConciergeConference Room(s)Currency ExchangeDisabled AccessDry CleaningElevator / LiftGolf CourseHair DryerHigh-speed InternetLaundry serviceMassage / Beauty CentreMeeting RoomsMini BarMultilingual StaffNon-Smoking RoomsParkingPets AllowedPortersRestaurantRoom ServiceSafe-Deposit BoxTour DeskTVValet Parking

Bayrisches Haus Hotel Potsdam Germany

Discover all that Potsdam has to offer with Relais und Chateaux Hotel Bayrisches Haus as a base.
All hotel's guestrooms have all the conveniences expected in a hotel in its class to suit guests' utmost comforts.
The guestrooms are equipped with Non Smoking Rooms, Bathrobes, Daily Newspaper, Inhouse Movies, Desk, Hair Dryer, In Room Safe.
The basic amenities provided at this Potsdam accommodation comprise Room Service 24hr, Bar/Pub, Laundry Service/Dry Cleaning, Meeting Facilities , Restaurant, Room Service, Safety Deposit Boxes, Disabled Facilities.
Hotel's guests can experience on-site latest leisure and sports facilities such as Massage, Pool Indoor, Golf Course (on site), Sauna, Spa, Garden.
The hotel creates a balance of rich culture and modern convinience to ensure you a memorable stay.
Make your reservation at the Relais und Chateaux Hotel Bayrisches Haus Potsdam now by selecting your chosen dates of stay and submitting our secure online booking form.
24 Hour ReceptionAirport shuttleBanquet FacilitiesBar / LoungeBusiness CenterCable / Satellite TVCoffee / Tea MakerComplimentary ToiletriesConciergeConference Room(s)Currency ExchangeDisabled AccessDry CleaningFitness RoomFloristGolf CourseHair DryerHigh-speed InternetHousekeepingLaundry serviceMassage / Beauty CentreMeeting RoomsMultilingual StaffNon-Smoking RoomsParkingPets AllowedPortersRestaurantRoom ServiceSafe-Deposit BoxSaunaSecretarial ServiceSwimming poolTour DeskTVWake-up Service

The Westin Grand Hotel Berlin Germany

In the heart of “reunified” Germany is Berlin’s Mitte District, which was once split by the Berlin Wall. Today it is a remarkable region of historic and contemporary sights and destinations. In the heart of this area is the Westin Grand Hotel. The location of this Berlin hotel places guests within easy walking distance of some of the most popular historic sites of the entire city.

The Westin Grand Hotel is located at Friedrichstrasse 158-164 in the heart of the city.

There are 359 guest rooms and suites available in the Westin Grand Hotel, and these come in a range of styles and sizes. All provide views of the city, the hotel’s signature “heavenly” beds and baths, and many other high quality amenities.

Because of its excellent location the Westin Grand Hotel is suitable to both leisure and business travelers and offers comprehensive services to both distinct groups. Guests can access the business center and meeting rooms, enjoy the beautiful swimming pool and massage treatments, dine in the signature restaurant or enjoy a drink or dessert in the lounge, and rely on a wide range of many more fine amenities.
24 Hour ReceptionAir ConditionedBabysitting / Child ServicesBanquet FacilitiesBar / LoungeBusiness CenterCable / Satellite TVCoffee / Tea MakerConciergeConference Room(s)Connecting RoomsCurrency ExchangeDisabled AccessDry CleaningElevator / LiftFitness RoomGymnasiumHair DryerHigh-speed InternetHousekeepingIn Room MoviesKitchenetteLaundry serviceMassage / Beauty CentreMeeting RoomsMini BarModem / Data PortMultilingual StaffNon-Smoking RoomsParkingPets AllowedRestaurantRoom ServiceSafe-Deposit BoxSaunaSecretarial ServiceSwimming poolTour DeskTVValet ParkingWake-up Service

Le Royal Meridien Hotel Hamburg Germany

Ideally located in the heart of Hamburg, business and leisure travelers appreciate the convenience and relaxing atmosphere of the Le Royal Meridien Hotel Hamburg. Nearby is the Congress and Exhibition Centre, and harbor area. Le Ciel Restaurant and Bar is on the ninth floor, providing diners with a spectacular skyline and lake view. The hotel offers conference areas, business services, pool, solarium, and ballroom.

In addition to being near the beautiful Aussenalster Lake, the Le Royal Meridien Hotel Hamburg is only seven miles from the Hamburg Fuhlsbuttel Airport and 25 minutes from the international airport. Even the main train station is within walking distance.

Each of the 284 rooms and suites of the Le Royal Meridien Hotel Hamburg are immaculate and well-equipped. Amenities include Egyptian linens, 42-inch plasma television, in-room entertainment system, high-speed Internet, air conditioning, separate bath/shower, bathrobe/slipper, mini-bar, and even turn-down service, free nightly shoeshine service, and umbrellas.

The Le Royal Meridien Hotel Hamburg is rated 5-star, with amazing skyline and water views. Known for its level of luxury, service, and superb location, guests enjoy everything provided. Even the hotel architecture is contemporary and elegant.
24 Hour ReceptionAir ConditionedAirport shuttleBabysitting / Child ServicesBanquet FacilitiesBar / LoungeBusiness CenterCable / Satellite TVCD PlayerCoffee / Tea MakerComplimentary ToiletriesConciergeConference Room(s)Connecting RoomsCurrency ExchangeDisabled AccessDry CleaningDVD PlayerElevator / LiftFitness RoomFloristGymnasiumHair DryerHigh-speed InternetHousekeepingIn Room MoviesLaundry serviceMassage / Beauty CentreMedical Assistance AvailableMeeting RoomsMini BarModem / Data PortMultilingual StaffNews StandNon-Smoking RoomsParkingPets AllowedPortersRefrigeratorRestaurantRoom ServiceSafe-Deposit BoxSaunaSecretarial ServiceSecurity GuardSwimming poolTour DeskTVWake-up Service

Achat Hotel Augsburg Gersthofen Germany

Discover all that Augsburg has to offer with Achat Hotel as a base.
With the guests' convenience in mind, each of the 88 guestrooms at the hotel is well designed and fully equipped to cater to the demands of corporate and holiday travelers looking for unique accommodation in Augsburg.
This hotel is characterized by a combination of modern comfort and traditional element of Augsburg, making it a distinct accommodation.
To proceed with this reservation at the Achat Hotel, please enter your visit dates and follow our secure online booking form.

Hotel Francois 1Er Paris France

The Francois Premier Hotel is situated on a quiet street that is just off the popular Champs-Elysees. Guests of this hotel in Paris will be able to easily enjoy famous attractions as well as restaurants and shops that are only a few steps away while also enjoying tranquility in the heart of Paris.

The hotel is easily accessed from the airport and provides close proximity to all of the most popular attractions in Paris.

The Francois Premier Hotel offers 38 guestrooms and two suites. Amenities in the rooms include cable and satellite television and mini-bars. Superior and executive rooms are also available. Suites include a king size bed and sofa bed.

This boutique hotel offers a range of amenities and services, including a Mexican marble floor in the reception as well as a relaxing tea room, beautiful bar, conference facilities, restaurant room service, baby sitting services and currency exchange. Pets are allowed at the hotel.
24 Hour ReceptionAir ConditionedAirport shuttleBabysitting / Child ServicesBanquet FacilitiesBar / LoungeBusiness CenterCable / Satellite TVComplimentary ToiletriesConciergeConference Room(s)Currency ExchangeElevator / LiftFitness RoomFloristFree BreakfastHair DryerHigh-speed InternetHousekeepingIn Room MoviesInterior CorridorsLaundry serviceMassage / Beauty CentreMedical Assistance AvailableMeeting RoomsMini BarModem / Data PortMultilingual StaffNews StandNon-Smoking RoomsParkingPets AllowedPortersRestaurantRoom ServiceSafe-Deposit BoxSaunaSecretarial ServiceSpa bath / JacuzziTour DeskTVWake-up Service

Grand Hotel De La Reine Nancy France

Due to the location and the majestic building, the Grand Hotel de la Reine is Nancy's most prestigious address. The location is ideal for visitors to visit the old town and the Museum of Fine Arts as well as for shopping. 1107VG. The hotel is set in one of the historical houses of the square. The house was built between 1751 and 1755 by Emmanuel Here, who was architect to Stanislas, king of Poland and the father-in-law of Louis XV. The hotel is ideally located in the city centre on the famous square "Place Stanislas", a 18th century architectural marvel classified by the UNESCO as a world heritage site.
24 Hour ReceptionAir ConditionedBanquet FacilitiesBar / LoungeDisabled AccessDry CleaningElevator / LiftHigh-speed InternetLaundry serviceNon-Smoking RoomsParkingPets AllowedPortersRestaurantRoom ServiceSafe-Deposit Box
Location Description:
Due to the location and the majestic building, the Grand Hotel de la Reine is Nancy's most prestigious address. The location is ideal for visitors to visit the old town and the Museum of Fine Arts as well as for shopping. 1107VG. The hotel is set in one of the historical houses of the square. The house was built between 1751 and 1755 by Emmanuel Here, who was architect to Stanislas, king of Poland and the father-in-law of Louis XV. The hotel is ideally located in the city centre on the famous square "Place Stanislas", a 18th century architectural marvel classified by the UNESCO as a world heritage site.

Hotel Palazzu U Domu Ajaccio France

With its central location, Hotel Palazzu U Domu is within easy reach of most tourist attractions and business addresses in Ajaccio.
All hotel's guestrooms have all the conveniences expected in a hotel in its class to suit guests' utmost comforts.
All of the guestrooms are replete with Non Smoking Rooms, Air Conditioning, Daily Newspaper, Television , Bathtub.
Hotel facilities offered at this Ajaccio accommodation include Room Service 24hr, Elevator, Bar/Pub, Laundry Service/Dry Cleaning, Meeting Facilities .
The hotel provides a warm and welcoming service of international standard.
For your reservation at the Hotel Palazzu U Domu Ajaccio, please enter your preferred visit dates and follow our secure online booking form.
24 Hour ReceptionAir ConditionedBabysitting / Child ServicesBanquet FacilitiesBar / LoungeBath / Hot TubCable / Satellite TVComplimentary ToiletriesConciergeConference Room(s)Currency ExchangeDisabled AccessDry CleaningElevator / LiftHair DryerHigh-speed InternetHousekeepingLaundry serviceMeeting RoomsModem / Data PortMultilingual StaffNon-Smoking RoomsParkingPets AllowedPortersRefrigeratorRoom ServiceSafe-Deposit BoxSecretarial ServiceTour DeskTVValet Parking

Renaissance Hotel Sao Paulo Brazil

Guests of the Renaissance Hotel Sao Paulo will enjoy local attractions such as Ibirapuera Park, the Latin American Memorial, Pacaembu stadium, Simba Safari and the Museum of Modern Art.

The Renaissance Hotel Sao Paulo is 15 minutes from the Congonhas Airport and 40 minutes from the Sao Paulo International Airport. There is also public transportation nearby. Transportation can be arranged for a fee from the front desk.

Rooms at the Renaissance Hotel Sao Paulo offer the finest amenities available including air conditioning, bottled water, jetted tubs, electrical adapters, irons and ironing boards, bathrobes, hairdryers, telephones, mini bars, coffeemakers, bathrobes, premium bedding, cable televisions, and voicemail.

The Renaissance Hotel Sao Paulo is located among the city’s residential and financial districts, one block from Paulista Avenue. Amenities of the hotel include an on-site restaurant that serves all meals, a cozy bar, fitness center, massage, swimming pool, sauna, babysitting, jogging trail, whirlpool, children’s pool, sport court, personal trainers, beauty treatments, dry cleaning, newsstand, shoeshine stand, room service, local restaurant delivery, laundry facilities, ATM, Cyber Café, Internet access, Havana Club and supermarket.
24 Hour ReceptionAir ConditionedAirport shuttleATM / Cash MachineBabysitting / Child ServicesBanquet FacilitiesBar / LoungeBusiness CenterCable / Satellite TVCD PlayerCoffee / Tea MakerComplimentary ToiletriesConciergeConference Room(s)Currency ExchangeDisabled AccessDVD PlayerElevator / LiftFitness RoomFree BreakfastGymnasiumHair DryerHigh-speed InternetHousekeepingKitchenetteLaundry serviceMassage / Beauty CentreMedical Assistance AvailableMeeting RoomsMicrowaveMini BarMultilingual StaffNon-Smoking RoomsParkingPortersRefrigeratorRestaurantRoom ServiceSafe-Deposit BoxSaunaSecretarial ServiceSecurity GuardSwimming poolTVValet ParkingWake-up Service

Manary Praia Hotel Natal Brazil

The Manary Praia Hotel Natal is an accommodation in Natal located near Ponta Negra Beach.

The Manary Praia Hotel Natal is located at Rua Francisco Gurgel, 9067 in Natal, Brazil. This location is 10 kilometers away from the airport and 15 kilometers from the downtown area. There are shuttle services that travel to and from the airport.

There are 24 rooms for rent at the Manary Praia Hotel Natal. Room service is available 24 hours a day. Other amenities worth mentioning include wireless Internet access.

The Manary Praia Hotel Natal attempts to create a romantic atmosphere and features traditional decoration, with a touch of Neo-Colonial architecture. Amenities at the hotel include a swimming pool, restaurant, bar and game room. There is also a business center for traveling professionals, meeting and conferencing areas, and a reading room. This hotel was first built in the year 1995. This is listed as a five star hotel and is a member of the esteemed Roteiros de Charme Hotel Association.
24 Hour ReceptionAir ConditionedAirport shuttleBanquet FacilitiesBar / LoungeBath / Hot TubBusiness CenterCable / Satellite TVConference Room(s)Currency ExchangeDry CleaningFloristGymnasiumHair DryerHigh-speed InternetLaundry serviceMassage / Beauty CentreMedical Assistance AvailableMeeting RoomsMini BarModem / Data PortMultilingual StaffParkingPortersRestaurantRoom ServiceSafe-Deposit BoxSecurity GuardSwimming poolTour DeskTVWake-up Service

Radisson Hotel Aracaju Brazil

Brand new hotel just in front of Atalaia Beach offering 144 rooms and suites with complimentary high speed internet, minibar, LCD TV. Deluxe rooms feature balconies. Conference Center for up to 800 people, two international restaurants, leisure area with swimming pool, jacuzzi, solarium and fitness center.
Air ConditionedBanquet FacilitiesBar / LoungeBusiness CenterCable / Satellite TVCoffee / Tea MakerConference Room(s)Connecting RoomsDisabled AccessElevator / LiftFitness RoomFree BreakfastHair DryerHigh-speed InternetLaundry serviceMeeting RoomsMini BarMultilingual StaffNon-Smoking RoomsParkingRefrigeratorRestaurantRoom ServiceSafe-Deposit BoxSecurity GuardSwimming poolValet Parking
Location Description:
Beach - This hotel is located near the beach., City - This hotel is located near the city.

D'angleterre Hotel Copenhagen Copenhagen Denmark

The Hotel D'Angleterre welcomes you to a world of elegance and to an old-world atmosphere complete with modern-day comforts. The hotel is a landmark hotel which enjoys a central location next Stroeget, the Royal theater and the Ferry and Hydrofoil terminals. Nyhavn and its numerous bars and restaurants is just across the roundabout at the front of the hotel. All rooms are comfortable and well decorated incorporating all the facilities you would expect in a hotel of this stature. They are large in size and in exceptional condition and as are the bathrooms. The restaurant is decorated in a 'Ye Olden English' style, on theme with the rest of the hotel. Also available is a brasserie overlooking the nearby square and a nice bar area. Both are extremely popular and offer culinary delights along with outstanding service. The hotel is Copenhagen's leading hotel and is therefore perfect for those after sheer luxury during their stay. Its reputation goes before it and this hotel does not fail to deliver.
24 Hour ReceptionAir ConditionedBabysitting / Child ServicesBanquet FacilitiesBar / LoungeBath / Hot TubBusiness CenterCable / Satellite TVComplimentary ToiletriesConciergeConference Room(s)Currency ExchangeDisabled AccessDry CleaningElevator / LiftFitness RoomGymnasiumHair DryerHigh-speed InternetHousekeepingIn Room MoviesLaundry serviceMassage / Beauty CentreMeeting RoomsMini BarMultilingual StaffNon-Smoking RoomsParkingPortersRestaurantRoom ServiceSafe-Deposit BoxSaunaSecretarial ServiceSwimming poolTour DeskTVValet ParkingWake-up Service

Hotel Aarhus dennmark

The hotel is good, in a fine location, and the rooms are comfortable. This hotel is ideally suited more to the budget traveller wanting to stay in the centre of Aarhus. This hotel is totally non-smoking in all rooms. MK04/08 It is a modern multistory complex, offering fabulous views over this harbour city from the balconies, which incidentally are available in all of the rooms. The Hotel enjoys a prime central location, overlooking the harbour and right in the heart of Aarhus with excellent road links; the airport is approx a 40-45 minute trip by bus. Beneath the hotel is the popular nightclub, Train and bar, Koupe.
24 Hour ReceptionBar / LoungeCable / Satellite TVCurrency ExchangeDry CleaningElevator / LiftFree BreakfastHair DryerHigh-speed InternetHousekeepingIn Room MoviesLaundry serviceMultilingual StaffNon-Smoking RoomsParkingPets AllowedRefrigeratorRestaurantRoom ServiceSafe-Deposit BoxTVWake-up Service
Location Description
The hotel is good, in a fine location, and the rooms are comfortable. This hotel is ideally suited more to the budget traveller wanting to stay in the centre of Aarhus. This hotel is totally non-smoking in all rooms. MK04/08 It is a modern multistory complex, offering fabulous views over this harbour city from the balconies, which incidentally are available in all of the rooms. The Hotel enjoys a prime central location, overlooking the harbour and right in the heart of Aarhus with excellent road links; the airport is approx a 40-45 minute trip by bus. Beneath the hotel is the popular nightclub, Train and bar, Koupe.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Understanding Forex Quotes

Reading a foreign exchange quote is simple if you remember two things:
The first currency listed is the base currency
The value of the base currency is always 1. As the centerpiece of the forex market, the US dollar is usually considered the base currency for quotes. When the base currency is USD, think of the quote as telling you what a US dollar is worth in that other currency. When USD is the base currency and the quote goes up, that means USD has strengthened in value and the other currency has weakened. Rising quotes mean a US dollar can now buy more of the other currency than before. Majors not based on the US dollar The three exceptions to this rule are the British pound (GBP), the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Euro (EUR). For these pairs, where USD is not the base currency, a rising quote means the US dollar is weakening and buys less of the other currency than before. In other words, if a currency quote goes higher, the base currency is getting stronger. A lower quote means the base currency is weakening. Cross currencies Currency pairs that don't involve USD at all are called cross currencies, but the premise is the same. Bids, asks and the spread Just like other markets, forex quotes consist of two sides, the bid and the ask: The BID is the price at which you can SELL base currency.The ASK is the price at which you can BUY base currency. What's a pip? Forex prices are often so liquid, they're quoted in tiny increments called pips, or "percentage in point". A pip refers to the fourth decimal point out, or 1/100th of 1%. It is impotant to understand the forex trade and forex quotes if you want not to lose.

Monday, August 3, 2009

how to do with forex

For starters, you simply choose which two currencies you want to make a deal with on Forex. You choose the amount of the deal you'd like to make (called the "volume"). You make a deposit to provide the collateral needed for the deal, called the "margin." In most cases, this is just a fraction of the overall amount of the deal? for example, 1%, or 1:100. You still have the power to "freeze" the deal for several seconds before you finalize it. Freezing allows you to adjust the terms or to accept them as they are. Or, you can call the whole thing off, and cancel the deal. Freezing is a feature offered exclusively by E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc.While your deal is still running, you have a so-called "open position." This means that you're able to follow your deal's status and scenarios online at any time. You can make changes to the deal's terms, or you can simply cancel it and either pocket any profits, or minimize any losses. What's more, E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc.allows you to set a "take-profit" rate. When and if the market reaches this rate, your deal will close automatically, allowing you to be away from your computer while you have an "open position." Ready to learn more, or find additional training online. Just register with us, with no obligation, and we will lead you through the process step-by-step.

forex trade

More precisely, FOREX is a currency trading market, and it's one of the largest and most rapidly developing markets on the planet. Over 2.5 trillion dollars are turned over on Forex every single day. That's more than 100 times more than the amount turned over daily on NASDAQ. If you're intrigued, you can and get more detailed market information from E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc So, what's a market? Simple: it's a place where goods are traded. Forex is no different, but with one little twist: the goods traded on Forex are the national currencies of the world's countries. For example, on Forex you might pay in American dollars and buy some Canadian dollars. Or, you could sell your Euros for Japanese Yen. There's nothing more to it than that.
How do I turn a profit using Forex?
Again, the answer is obvious: just as with any market, you make money by buying low and selling high! Buy for less, sell for more! All you do is take advantages of fluctuations in the relative values of world currencies. Each currency's value changes every day in the currency exchange market. All you have to do is use these fluctuations to your advantage. One thing we'd like to mention about currency exchange on Forex: on Forex, these daily fluctuations are actually 100 times greater than the actual fluctuation (for example, around 1%). Generally speaking, E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc can offer trading ratios of between 1:10, 1:100, 1:200 and 1:500. So let's do the math: if the exchange rate of your given pair of currencies increased by just 0.6% over the last few hours, then you'll bag a profit of 60% on your original investment! All of this can happen over the course of a single business day, or as quickly as a matter of minutes. And best of all, you don't risk losing anything more than your margin! There's absolutely no limit to your possible profits, but you never risk losing anything beyond what you originally invested. And another thing: you have the power to choose your pair of currencies, and their amount, based on which way the market's headed, and still turn a profit. It makes no difference which way the exchange rate is headed, down or up, because you always have the choice of buying US dollars and selling Yen, or the other way around - buy Yen and sell US dollars. And no, you don't need to actually own any particular currencies, or "have" them in hand, in order to make transactions with them on Forex (to buy them or sell them).
So, just how do I get started?
You simply register with E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc.we offer the easiest and fastest registration out there, with absolutely no obligations. Once you're registered, just make a deposit of the margin amount you choose to begin trading with, and you begin trading on Forex. And only E-Global Trade & Finance Group, Inc. allows you to make your deposit with your credit card. It just doesn't get any simpler. But if you do need assistance, we offer as much customer service and one-on-one training as you need. And with E-Global Trade & Finance Group your help won't come from a computer, but from a living, breathing human being, who speaks your language.

forex worldwide

While it's absolutely legal to trade forex (currency futures) in most countries allover the world, there still could be specific regulations and terms in particular places. We strongly advise our customers to get familiar with national legislation since we cannot watch after 200+ different law systems.
However, from time to time we will be adding some information in this part of the website. Please don't consider this information a fact, and always cross check with official governmental websites of your country - laws could have changed recently

history of forex

The history of forex and forex trade is very old. The history dates back when
In 1967, a Chicago bank refused a college professor by the name of Milton Friedman a loan in pound sterling because he had intended to use the funds to short the British currency. Friedman, ho had perceived sterling to be priced too high against the dollar, wanted to sell the currency, then later buy it back to repay the bank after the currency declined, thus pocketing a quick profit. The bank's refusal to grant the loan was due to the Bretton Woods Agreement, established twenty years earlier, which fixed national currencies against the dollar, and set the dollar at a rate of per ounce of gold.
The Bretton Woods Agreement, set up in 1944, aimed at installing international monetary stability by preventing money from fleeing across nations, and restricting speculation in the world currencies Prior to the Agreement, the gold exchange standard--prevailing between 1876 and World War I--dominated the international economic system. Under the gold. exchange, currencies gained a new phase of stability as they were backed by the price of gold. It abolished the age-old practice used by kings and rulers of arbitrarily debasing money and triggering inflation. But the gold exchange standard didn't lack faults. As an economy strengthened, it would import heavily from abroad until it ran down its gold reserves required to back its money. As a result, money supply would shrink, interest rates rose and economic activity slowed to the extent of recession. Ultimately, prices of goods had hit bottom, appearing attractive to other nations, which would rush into buying sprees that injected the economy with gold until it increased its money supply, and drive down interest rates and recreate wealth into the economy. Such boom-bust patterns prevailed throughout the gold standard until the outbreak of World War I interrupted trade flows and the free movement of gold.
After the Wars, the Bretton Woods Agreement was founded, where participating countries agreed to try and maintain the value of their currency with a narrow margin against the dollar and a corresponding rate of gold as needed. Countries were prohibited from devaluing their currencies to their trade advantage and were only allowed to do so for devaluations of less than 10%. Into the 1950s, the ever-expanding volume of international trade led to massive movements of capital generated by post-war construction. That destabilized foreign exchange rates as set up in Bretton Woods.
The Agreement was finally abandoned in 1971, and the US dollar would no longer be convertible into gold. By 1973, currencies of major industrialized nations became more freely floating, controlled mainly by the forces of supply and demand which acted in the foreign exchange market. Prices were floated daily, with volumes, speed and price volatility all increasing throughout the 1970s, giving rise to new financial instruments, market deregulation and trade liberalization.
In the 1980s, cross-border capital movements accelerated with the advent of computers and technology, extending market continuum through Asian, European and American time zones. Transactions in foreign exchange rocketed from about billion a day in the 1980s, to more than .5 trillion a day two decades later

how to make money using forex

Since it might be a bit complicated for a beginner to figure out how to make money in Forex, we offer you this example:
You believe that the Euro to US Dollar (EURUSD) rate will increase. In your account you have 2000 USD (eGlobal-standard). At a price of 1.2750 you buy 150,000 Euro for 150,000*1.2750 = 191,250 USD.
This is possible because of the credit, which allows you to make transactions worth 100 times more than funds you have in your account (in this specific case, the maximum sum available for transactions is 2000*100 = 200,000 USD).
After a period of time, the exchange rate increases. You sell 150,000 Euro at the rate of 1.2850 and get 150,000*1.2850 = 192,750 USD.
Thus, after buying at a low rate and selling at a high rate, the difference 192,750 - 191,250 = 1500 $ is your gain. You have earned 75% of initial funds in your account, while the rate increased by 0.8%. So making money using forex is easy. But at the same time making money using forex can be costly.

Another way of making a profit on Forex is based on the decrease of the quotation rate of the EURUSD currency pair:
Having created a real account with 200 USD in it (eGlobal-mini), you determine the upper and lower limits on the Euro to Dollar chart and sell 15,000 Euro (0.15 lot) at the upper limit for a price of 1.2850 (bid price) USD for 1 Euro, which equals 19,275 USD (15,000 Euro multiplied by the rate of 1.2850).
You have funds in USD in your account, but you can sell Euro using the automatic borrowing system. Hence, the company lends you 15,000 Euro free of charge, which you can sell by sending a selling request. Due to the leverage, the actual deposit is 100 times less than the sum sold: 15,000/100 = 150 euro. At a rate of 1.2850 this equals 192,75 USD. This very sum is going to be a deposit for a credit (marginal) transaction for your account. The maximum possible deposit in this case equals 200 USD.
Then during the day the price drops to the lower limit and you decide to buy 15,000 Euro at a price of 1.2750 (ask price) USD for 1 Euro, which equals 19,125 USD. The 15,000 Euro that you have bought are written off your account towards the repayment of the company loan, while the difference is left in your account.
Thus, due to the fall in the exchange rate you earn the difference between sold and bought, which is 19,275 - 19,125 = 150 USD. You managed to earn 75% (150 dollars) of your initial sum of 200 USD due to a rate decrease by 0.8% (from 1.2850 to 1.2750) in only one day.

forex tradding in Asia

India has a rather strict foreign currency exchange policy - even though many liberalization measures have been taken recently, it's still an economically isolated, or highly protected country. Indian currency - rupee, is highly regulated by the national banking authority - Reserve Bank of India, and so Indian citizens still cannot freely exchange rupee to other currencies, they have to prove their need and there are annual limits for different needs ). Even popular money transfer systems such as Western Union - which is spread worldwide and available to everyone, are forbidden in India - residents can only receive money, but not send.
However, because of the globalization there is a definite need to open the economy, so Reserve Bank of India has been softening rules and regulations in recent years.
One of the important changes in regards to Forex trading is that in year 2008 Reserve Bank of India has finally allowed currency futures trading. Speculative trading became a permissible operation too - since it became impossible to ask for a proof of a hedging need.
We are happy that one of the biggest and the most perspective country in the world is finally joining the world of opportunities of Forex trading market! So forex tradding in Asia will be now a good thing to do.
More details are available on the official website of RBI - here
Note that Indian brokers are only allowed to provide USD/INR pair at the moment. Since we're located outside India, in British Virgin Islands, we do provide customers with many more pairs, many of which are much more interesting for traders because of their nature. Rupee, being a highly regulated currency, is not as volatile as other currencies and doesn't allow as much analysis since movements depend on RBI decisions and not on market events.
Our another advantage over brokers registered inside India is that we don't have any fees or minimum transactions/deposits. Services are much more affordable at our company!
Even though we're registered outside India, we do have an office in Mumbai where an Indian company that has a contract with us, provides our Indian stakeholders with support and consultations. The Asia is the bigger option now
Our forex and CFDs trading platform is designed to be fast, effortless, reliable, and efficient. This means sub-second flash fills, real-time account balances and sophisticated charting to name a few. We offer a very powerful, efficient, easy-to-use, and cutting-edge FX trading system designed to take introducing brokers to the next level, giving them the scalability and speed needed to expand the forex retail trading business.
In this complex forex market, a user friendly platform is a must in order to make fast and efficient trading decision and execution. Our trading platform is rated the most user friendly by professional traders. PAAZEE's clients consist of financial institutions, money managers as well as individual investors.
We take pride in our professional staff that is thoroughly trained to look after the best interests of our clients. Our professional staff is available twenty-four hours a day (Monday to Friday) to answer your inquiry. Try out our service by open a free demo forex account.
The foreign exchange market (currency, forex, or FX) trades currencies. It lets banks and other institutions easily buy and sell currencies.
The purpose of the foreign exchange market is to help international trade and investment. A foreign exchange market helps businesses convert one currency to another. For example, it permits a U.S. business to import European goods and pay Euros, even though the business's income is in U.S. dollars.
In a typical foreign exchange transaction a party purchases a quantity of one currency by paying a quantity of another currency. The modern foreign exchange market started forming during the 1970s when countries gradually switched to floating exchange rate from the previous exchange rate regime, which remained fixed as per the Bretton Woods system
The foreign exchange market is unique because of
its trading volumes,
the extreme liquidity of the market,
its geographical dispersion,
its long trading hours: 24 hours a day except on weekends (from 22:00 UTC on Sunday until 22:00 UTC Friday),
the variety of factors that affect exchange rates.
the low margins of profit compared with other markets of fixed income (but profits can be high due to very large trading volumes)
the use of leverage

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